Popups are dead. Wrong!

Here’s What We Found from Analyzing 1+ Million Popups

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Hey there

I hope this message finds you well. Today, let's explore something that holds the power to supercharge your online retail strategy: pop-ups.

These elements can be potent tools for growing your email list and driving conversions.

If you're an e-commerce enthusiast, you're probably no stranger to using pop-ups to capture leads and showcase popular products.

But what if I tell you that there's a science behind creating high-converting pop-ups? Buckle up, because in this article, I'm going to share the secrets to crafting pop-ups that not only capture attention but also turn casual visitors into loyal customers.

But, before that, here is a quick intro to today’s sponsor of this post.

AdQuick unlocks the benefits of Out Of Home (OOH) advertising in a way no one else has. Approaching the problem with eyes to performance, created for marketers and creatives with the engineering excellence you’ve come to expect for the internet.

Now, coming back to the topic:

1. The One Element Your Popup MUST Have

We all acknowledge the impact of images on conversions—be it on product pages or within emails. But the question remains: can images enhance the effectiveness of pop-ups? In other words, does the inclusion of an image in a popup truly make a difference?

To test our hypothesis, we first looked at 1+ million popup views. Then, we filtered out any popups with 2,000 views or less to ensure our overall conversion rate was valid. Finally, we analyzed (1) popups with images and (2) popups without images. It was found that pop-ups with images (3.80 percent) outperformed their image-less counterparts (2.07 percent).

2. Use This Underused Element to Get More Emails

Much like images, urgency can be a powerful driver of conversions when wielded ethically. The concept of "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) pushes fence-sitting buyers to take action.

Enter the countdown timer—an often overlooked element that can inject a sense of urgency into your pop-ups. For this test, we first reviewed 1+ million popup views. Then, we filtered out any popups with 2,000 views or less to ensure we had a valid overall conversion rate. Finally, we looked at (1) popups with a countdown timer and (2) popups without a countdown timer. It was discovered that popups featuring countdown timers (8.07 percent) outperformed those without (3.79 percent).

3. Input Fields: What You Need to Know

Growing your email list involves a delicate balance between acquiring valuable information and not overwhelming potential subscribers. The common assumption is that fewer input fields equate to higher conversions.

For this test, we looked at 1 million popup views. Then, we filtered out any popups with 2,000 views or less to ensure our overall conversion rate was valid. Finally, we analyzed the conversion rate for popups with one, two, three, four, and five input fields. Popups with five input fields had the lowest conversion rate (0.81 percent), only marginally less than those with four fields (0.90 percent). The real revelation, however, was that popups with two input fields (3.31 percent) outperformed those with three (1.08 percent) by an astonishing 206.48 percent.

4. How to Enrich Lead Data: Multiple Steps (The Right Way)

Enriching lead data while maintaining conversions can be a tightrope walk for marketers. Enter the Multistep feature. The premise is simple: capture email addresses in the first step and follow up with additional data requests without losing the lead if the popup is closed.

Testing the hypothesis on input fields, it was discovered that 76 percent of subscribers willingly provided more information in the second step. This opens the door for enriching lead data without deterring conversions.

5. Use a Timed Trigger?

Timed Triggers offer an intriguing way to display pop-ups based on a visitor's time spent on a webpage. But finding the optimal trigger time can be a challenge. Research indicated that popups triggered after eight seconds (3.62 percent) yielded superior conversions compared to other trigger times.

6. Desktop vs. Mobile: Which Is Better?

With mobile traffic on the rise, the question arose: do mobile or desktop popups fare better? To our astonishment, mobile popups (5.8 percent) trumped desktop (3.11 percent) in terms of conversions. This suggests the importance of tailoring campaigns to specific devices for enhanced results.

7. The Power of Teasers in Your Popups!

Instead of bombarding your visitors with information right away, use the power of curiosity. A teaser popup is a mini popup that shows up before or after the main popup. It increases the popup visibility up to 65% and works as a minimal version of your campaign.

8. The Playful Path to Conversions: Gamified Popups

Enter gamified popups, the secret weapon of attention-grabbing. These popups infuse an element of interactivity, making the user experience more entertaining and memorable. Whether it's a spin-to-win wheel, a scratch-off card, or a clever quiz, gamified popups create an immersive experience that keeps users intrigued and excited.

When users feel like they're participating in a fun activity rather than just encountering a marketing message, they're more likely to stick around, interact, and convert. It's a win-win situation: you provide value and entertainment, and they reward you with their engagement.

In conclusion, popups aren't the enemy of user experience when approached strategically. Armed with these insights, you're primed to refine your pop-up strategy and witness your e-commerce metrics soar.

One quick thing..

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