Nobody is using this 4th abandonment flow

This is the rarely utilized ecommerce strategy

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In my recent years of auditing and collaborating with numerous DTC/Ecommerce brands, I've had the privilege of observing various marketing strategies. However, one crucial aspect seems to be consistently overlooked: the Site Abandonment Flow.

Today, I want to talk about this often-ignored yet powerful tool that can transform your email marketing efforts. Despite its potential to drive significant results, only a handful of brands are effectively using it.

Join me as we explore the Site Abandonment Flow and discover how it can boost your conversion rates. Let's get practical about optimising your email marketing strategy together.

Understanding the Abandonment Funnel

Before diving into the specifics of the Site Abandonment Flow, let's first understand the broader abandonment funnel in ecommerce. There are four primary abandonment flows:

  • Site Abandonment: When a visitor leaves your site without taking action.

  • Browse Abandonment: When a visitor views a product but doesn't add it to their cart.

  • Abandoned Cart: When a visitor adds items to their cart but doesn't start the checkout.

  • Abandoned Checkout: When a visitor starts the checkout process but doesn't finish it.

Each of these flows presents an opportunity to reconnect with potential customers and guide them towards making a purchase.

Why All Four Flows Matter

In my opinion, all Ecom/DTC brands should leverage ALL FOUR of these abandonment flows. Each flow represents a valuable opportunity to re-engage potential customers and guide them towards conversion. By covering all bases, you can maximise your chances of recapturing lost sales and driving revenue growth.

Now, let's address the question on everyone's mind: which abandonment flow is often overlooked by brands? The answer may surprise you—it's the Site Abandonment Flow.

Despite its potential to drive significant results, the Site Abandonment Flow is frequently underutilised in ecommerce marketing strategies. By targeting users who are active on your site but haven't yet engaged further, this flow fills a crucial gap in the customer journey and presents a unique opportunity to re-engage potential customers.

Exploring the Site Abandonment Flow

Now, let's explore the Site Abandonment Flow in detail.

Well, you know about browse, cart, and checkout abandonment, right? They're like the big shots in the world of e-commerce email marketing, grabbing all the attention and driving conversions. But there's this thing called the Site Abandonment Flow that's kinda ignored.

Here's the surprising truth: Just 1% of brands have set up the site abandonment flow. Despite its potential, it's missing from most email marketing strategies.

So, what exactly is the Site Abandonment Flow?

Think of it this way: Many visitors come to your homepage or blogs or collection pages, but only a small fraction actually make it to the product page.

This leaves a lot of potential customers untapped. Email marketing can bridge this gap by targeting users who visit your site but don't go any further. It's a crucial touchpoint that's often overlooked.

But why should you care?

Because it fills the gap between homepage visits and browsing activities. It captures the attention of users who might not have explored your offerings further.

Imagine sending a couple of emails to those who leave your site without doing much. A well-timed email, maybe 30 minutes after they leave, can work wonders. A simple subject line like "We Noticed You Noticing Us" can grab their attention and get them interested again.

So, let's break it down. Here's your step-by-step blueprint:

  1. Start with two emails—one to remind them of their recent visit, show them your top collections, bestsellers and another to sweeten the deal with a special offer or incentive. Keep the messaging straightforward and to the point, focusing on providing value and guiding them towards taking action.

  2. As you gather insights and refine your approach, consider expanding the flow to include additional touchpoints or personalised recommendations based on their browsing behaviour.

And the results? Well, let's just say that this simple yet effective strategy has consistently proven to be a top revenue generator for e-commerce stores. It's like having a virtual sales assistant working round-the-clock to bring back lost opportunities and drive conversions.

In conclusion, based on my experience auditing numerous ecommerce email accounts, I urge you to consider the power of the site abandonment flow. It's not just another strategy—it's a practical tool that can make a significant impact on your email marketing efforts.

So, are you ready to explore its potential and enhance your email strategy?

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