Your Klaviyo Insider's Guide to Email Engagement

Learn how to craft the perfect email schedule based on engagement levels

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Hi, and welcome back to another edition of eCommerce Alchemy - your one-stop destination for everything related to ecommerce growth.

When it comes to sending emails, timing is everything. It's not just about hitting 'send' randomly; it's about sending at the right time to the right people. This means understanding your subscribers' engagement levels and tailoring your sending schedule accordingly. 

In this edition, we'll guide you through the process of segmenting your subscribers into engagement tracks, ensuring that your emails hit the mark every time. From active enthusiasts to those in need of a gentle nudge, we've got you covered with strategies for every level of engagement.

Understanding Engagement Tracks

Setting up engagement tracks is super important to keep your email game strong! By organising your subscribers based on their email interactions, you'll avoid spam filters and keep your content on point. Once you've established your tracks, tailor your campaigns to match each group's email habits. 

Send more to the active ones and less to the less active ones. You can send everything at once or separately to see what works best. Just make sure to include any extra details, such as if you have multiple lists or if they're named something other than 'Newsletter'.

If you send daily

Track A: These subscribers are your most active ones, having engaged recently. It's best to maintain a daily sending cadence to keep them engaged and informed about your latest updates.

Track B: Subscribers in this category have engaged within the last 30-60 days but have started to show signs of reduced activity. Sending to them 3 times a week ensures that you maintain their interest without overwhelming their inboxes.

Track C: With engagement within the last 60-90 days, these subscribers still have some interest but may need a gentle nudge. Stick to a sending cadence of 3 times per week to keep your brand fresh in their minds.

Track D: For subscribers who engaged within the last 90-180 days, a weekly sending schedule is sufficient to stay connected without being too intrusive.

Track E: These are subscribers who were added more than 180 days ago but have never opened or clicked an email. For this segment, consider implementing a sunset flow or re-engagement campaign to rekindle their interest. If they don't re-engage, it may be best to suppress them from future mailings to maintain your sender reputation.

If You Send 3 Times per Week

Track A: Subscribers in this segment have engaged within the last 60 days and are accustomed to more frequent communications. Sending emails to them 3 times a week ensures they stay informed and engaged with your brand.

Track B: This group consists of subscribers who engaged between 60 and 90 days ago. While they're still interested, reducing the sending frequency to twice a week can prevent fatigue and maintain their engagement levels.

Track C: Subscribers in this segment engaged within the last 90-180 days. Since their engagement is less frequent, a weekly sending schedule is sufficient to keep them connected with your brand.

Track D: Similar to Track D in the daily sending frequency, this segment includes subscribers who haven't engaged in the last 180 days. Consider implementing re-engagement strategies to reconnect with them and avoid sending to unresponsive subscribers.

If You Send 2 Times per Week

Track A: Subscribers in this segment have engaged within the last 90 days. Sending emails to them twice a week strikes a balance between staying connected and respecting their inbox space.

Track B: This group consists of subscribers who engaged between 90 and 180 days ago. Since their engagement is less frequent, sending emails to them weekly is sufficient to maintain a connection.

Track C: Similar to the daily and 3 times per week sending frequencies, this segment includes subscribers who haven't engaged in the last 180 days. Implement re-engagement campaigns to revive their interest in your emails.

If You Send Weekly

When it comes to sending emails on a weekly basis, it's essential to strike the right balance between providing valuable content and avoiding overwhelming your subscribers' inboxes. Here's how you can tailor your sending schedule to maximise engagement

Track A: Subscribers in this segment have engaged within the last 180 days and are accustomed to receiving weekly updates from your brand.

Track B: For subscribers who haven't engaged in the last 180 days, consider implementing re-engagement campaigns to encourage them to interact with your emails again.

If you send monthly 

When sending emails on a monthly basis, it's crucial to make each communication count. Since monthly senders don't interact with your brand as frequently as weekly or daily senders, it's essential to provide comprehensive and compelling content in each email. Here's how you can optimise your monthly email strategy.

Track A: Include individuals who have engaged with your emails in the last 275 days. Deliver a monthly newsletter packed with updates on new products, exclusive deals, and promotions tailored to their interests.

Track B: Comprises subscribers added over 275 days ago who haven't engaged. Implement a re-engagement campaign to encourage interaction. Suppress non-engagers if efforts fail, but reintegrate them if they re-engage.

Visual Example

Adjust your email sending frequency based on customer engagement. Prioritise Track A for frequent communication, aiming for open rates consistently above 27%. During holidays or sales events, extend messaging to include Track B and increase cadence across all tracks.

Monitoring Your Performance

Implementing your sending schedule is just the beginning. Monitoring performance is crucial for refining your strategy over time. Aim for open rates above 15% and adjust your approach as needed.

You can track performance using the overview dashboard or by creating custom reports tailored to your specific metrics.

That's a wrap for now! With a well-crafted sending schedule, you'll keep your subscribers engaged and your email campaigns thriving.

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