Increase Engagement, Reduce Spam: Here’s How!

This is hurting your entire email reputation and your email ROI.

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Hello, and welcome back to another edition of eCommerce Alchemy - your one-stop destination for everything related to ecommerce growth.

Did you know? Through numerous eCommerce audits, I've consistently found that Klaviyo accounts often house between 20% to 40% of inactive subscribers. These unengaged contacts present a dual challenge—lowered engagement rates and heightened spam risks.

In today's newsletter, I'll walk Klaviyo users through a straightforward method to spot and manage inactive subscribers using targeted segmentation. Let's discover how to improve your email deliverability and strengthen connections with your audience.

The smarter way for DTC brands to drive repeat revenue

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Black Crow integrates with your existing email & SMS tool, identifies customers that need a nudge to repurchase and determines the precise timing to trigger a pre-built flow.

With personalized cross-sell recommendations and customized storefronts, you can also increase second order AOV by 10%.

Black Crow is so confident you’ll get results that they’re offering a $100 gift card to Shopify brands with $2M+ in GMV to get a demo.

Creating a Targeted Segment

Start by creating a segment in Klaviyo to identify unengaged subscribers:

  1. Go to your Klaviyo account and navigate to the Lists & Segments tab.

  2. Select "Create List / Segment" and then choose "Segment".

  3. Name your segment, such as "Inactive Subscribers to Review".

  4. Define your segment criteria based on your email sending frequency and engagement metrics:

  • Subscribers who can receive email marketing.

  • Have received at least 3 to 10 emails in the last 180 days (adjust this based on your email frequency).

  • Subscribers who have never opened or clicked on emails.

  • Subscribers who have never made a purchase.

We suggest these suppression conditions, but you can customize them to suit your brand and email frequency. For instance, if you send emails less often, consider using a longer timeframe, like 365 days instead of 180. This segment targets contacts who received at least three emails in the past 180 days but did not open or click any.

5. Once the segment definition aligns with your business needs, click on 'Create Segment'. Your segment will then be ready for suppression, analysis, exclusion from campaigns, re-engagement, and other actions.

Bulk Suppress Unengaged Subscribers to Optimise Deliverability

To optimise deliverability, it's advisable to bulk suppress the segment of unengaged subscribers. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Lists & Segments: Go to the Lists & Segments page in your email marketing platform.

  2. Locate Your Segment: Find the specific segment of unengaged subscribers that you've previously created.

  3. Open Segment Options: Click on the segment to open its options.

  4. Suppress Subscribers: From the dropdown menu on the right side, select 'Suppress current members'.

Effective Segment Management

Now that your segment is set up, take proactive steps to optimise your email strategy:

  • Suppress Inactive Subscribers: Prevent inactive subscribers from receiving future campaigns to improve deliverability and engagement rates.

  • Regular Analysis: Keep an eye on your segment's performance. Analyse engagement trends and adjust your strategies accordingly to keep your emails relevant.

  • Re-engage Subscribers: Develop targeted re-engagement campaigns to win back inactive subscribers. Offer them exclusive deals or personalised content to reignite their interest.

Remember: These are some of your most unengaged subscribers, who haven’t engaged once in 180 days! You are paying for these subscribers to Klaviyo every month while hurting your domain reputation and email open rates. You should immediately clean these subscribers from your lists.

As you manage your email segments and optimise for engagement, remember that effective email marketing is a journey. Regularly analyse and adjust your strategies to keep your communications relevant and valuable to your subscribers. 

By staying proactive and responsive to your audience's needs, you'll continue to build trust and loyalty, driving sustainable growth for your business.